Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A week and a half in

Well as of last weekend I was 135.6! And this morning I took a sneak peek at the scale and I was down to 133.6, so that freakin rocks! 13.6 pounds until goal! Which means I only need to lose 1.43 pounds per week now. Awesome news!

I forgot to take my tape-measure measurements. Gotta do that soon. Cause I can see improvements in my thighs and hips.
I know a big reason I dropped weight, even with a hectic weekend where I ate a little too much, is that I did alot of lifting on Saturday. I did a ton of ab work, did my pushup sets, did arms, shoulders and legs. Normally I wouldn't train that many body parts in one workout, but it was my only day that week that I could workout. So I had to kill it!

Monday morning I had the stomach flu. Normally I'd attribute some weight loss to that, but I made sure and ate about 1000 really healthy extra calories that day. By Tuesday morning, I knocked out a 4 mile run with Hailie in the stroller, between work shifts. My quads burned so so bad. My hamstrings and glutes were still really sore from Saturday's squats and deadlifts. So it was a kinda crappy run, speed-wise. Today I did 7.5 miles at a 9:47 min/mile pace with the stroller, which is really good for stroller pace! Its usually just a goal of mine to be under 10 minutes per mile haha. Some of my splits were under 8:30 min/miles! So that was inspiring! I felt great today. Alot of energy. This was my pre-run breakfast smoothie (about 350 calories):

8oz organic coconut water (normally I like to use Almond Milk - original unsweetened, but I opted for the potassium-rich coconut water. That, and it has been in the fridge for awhile and I wanted it gone haha) to that, I added:

1 banana

4 strawberries

8 blackberries

4 ice cubes

1 scoop MP Combat Cookies 'n Cream protein powder
And about 1.5 cups of organic baby spinach

Blended that up real goooood and it served me well on my run! Perfect fuel for a run.

So there we go, that's my weekly update! Good progress, good results, feeling great! Its like I almost forgot how easy it honestly is to lose weight. Eat really healthy foods (doesn't cost an arm and a leg... honestly), watch your portions, and workout like crazy! I even did an in-home workout last week because it was raining and I couldn't run or go to the gym. It isn't brain surgery. Its all totally do-able. Good stuff!