Saturday, December 17, 2016

Not My Best Week Ever...

This past week was a total goof up. Not proud of it. This is the part where its hard. This is the part where it is WORK. This is the part where you have to KEEP GOING. This is the part where in years past, I would give up. This is the part where I just have to stay focused... Stay inside my head... And keep my head in the game.

I weighed in at 133.4 today. That's a 2 lb gain almost, but I know its mostly just water weight. The last 2 days of the week I did terrible. On Thursday I drove for almost 5 hours altogether. My dad's cousin passed away, so I drove with my sister Bella and cousins Jacob and Rebecca plus my kiddos to Hayward. In the torrential rain. Sugary coffees were greatly enjoyed, and I didn't eat much throughout the day, so by dinner, I was just ravenous.
Then yesterday I ate soooo many cookies... My husband Daniel made some amazing coconut oil chocolate chip cookies on Thursday while I was away with the kids. So Friday was definitely a cookie day. I ate at least 10.

Today I did very well though. I am within my calorie goal, and I worked out with my sister in law, Angelina. First we did a nice interval run, then we did a DVD. Should be around a 500 calorie deficit from the workout, and then another 500 deficit from food/Danny.

My goal for next week is just going to be to get under 160lbs. If I can get back on track and see 150-something on the scale next week, I'll be stoked. So here's to new days, trying again, and getting back up in the saddle!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great. Managing motherhood is a fulltime challenge. You will se results soon. Good things come to those who wait. Beauty in this case. We will conquor it all. Together
