Life has just been "Go, Go, Go!" Lately. I have been blessed with another nanny job. I watch 5-year-old twin boys in Cotati. Their mom is a single mom, San Rafael Police Officer (she commutes)
Mon-Wed I have to wake up at 4AM, put my stuff in the car, turn it on to warm it up and then go get precious sleeping Hailie and buckle her in. By 4:15 we are off to work. We get to sleep in a spare bedroom, so that's awesome. By 7:15 I am up again, getting the boys up and ready for kindergarten. Since the boys are in school, I work a split shift. I'm off until its time to go pick them up! Their mom works a 14 hr day, 3 days/week so that she can be with them as much as possible. Sometimes she'll sign up for overtime and we both get an extra day of work. And sometimes she gets subpoenaed for court cases and there's another extra day of work. So its good, steady, reliable work for me and its awesome! My husband Daniel and I both have good reliable jobs and have finally been able to be saving alot of money. Awesome blessing!
Its funny, my work days have become my "relax" days and my weekends are the days I get tired out! I love it though. Work hard, play harder! We were just saying, a few weeks ago on a Saturday at the river that that's how we want it. You only get one life, one shot. Gotta seize every day! Make differences in people's lives. Spend time with family. I'm gonna make it a goal for everyday, do at least 1 nice thing for at least 1 person.
So there's a life update. As for fitness, I've been maintaining my weight alright. I've pretty well recovered from my strained tendon in my knee, though it occasionally gives me trouble still, like if I'm really tired and my running form is poor. I ran the Santa Rosa Marathon and the Healdsburg Half since I last wrote. My times were 4:26:05.780 for the marathon (that was 22nd place for my division). I was 2 weeks off my tendon and was thrilled just to finish my first full marathon. Tears filled my eyes once I came to the finish, which I totally did not expect. My muscles felt like they were pulling off from my bones. Definitely not a Boston qualifying time, but I did it.
As for the Healdsburg half, I came in 6th place for my division with a time of 1:53:58 which winds up being an 8:41/min/mile average. That was 6th place for my division (out of 22.) I was dissapointed. I took it too slow in the beginning. Some of my splits were 10min/miles! I could have easily held a 8:30 for the first 6 miles, then a 7:30 or raster for the rest. But Rebecca and I had alot of fun. We REALLY enjoyed the course!! It was one of the most beautiful races I have ever ran. I think the Half Marathon is my favorite race distance. I like 10k's alot too though, so its hard to say.
A few days ago, I was 130 lbs. Still 5 pounds under last year's christmas eve goal, but up 7 pounds from 4th of July. I want to blame my injury because it stopped me from running, but I know there's no excuse. Its time to crack the whip again. My mom and I did 5 miles this morning at an 8:32 average (that included a little warmup walking... alot of the time we were under 8min/miles.)
I want to do nice runs like that maybe 3 or 4 times a week (or more, if I can) and I want to do alooot more weight training. I know that will really up my speed. And if I stop eating too much. Its just hard cause that means gym which equals more time that I'm gone cause I have to drive there and back. Which sucks for my babysitters. Part of me is reluctant to commit to that goal. Its frustrating but fitness is alot of time and work. See, here I am with all these excuses. Thats what has got me to gain 7 pounds in a few months. It may not seem like alot to some, but I'm scared to try on my skinny jeans right now. I just started a new round of dietbets, so that should help my motivation. Its hard to have a job and a child and still reach fitness goals but I know it is possible. I know it as well as anyone can. Here we go... ok guys, I'm gonna commit again to my ultimate weight loss goal again. by Christmas eve *2014* I will weigh 115 pounds (still 7 pounds above minimum "healthy" weight for my height, so no freakouts!). It will be pure muscle on my 5'3" frame. I'll take pics later today so I can do progress pics again. I'll need to lose about 1.6 pounds of fat per week. That's EASY in my book!!! I can still have fun on the weekends - without over endulging. I don't need a mimosa in order to be having a good time. Here I go again!!
Oh, and I wrote this at my 1 year mark but never wound up posting it. Here's a bonus blog entry: :)
"Its been one year today, July 26th, 2014 since I started my journey! I started out at 172 lbs and met my goal with two weeks to spare, of weighing 135lbs by Christmas Eve 2013. I have since surpassed that goal and my new lowest weight is 123 lbs! I have been counting calories, making sure the calories I eat are from healthy, balanced, nutritious sources. I have also been running as most of you know. I have taken it above and beyond my greatest expectations! I have placed 1st and 2nd (in my age group) in two 10k races this year, placed 2nd in a half marathon, August 10th I will be running my second half marathon and then on the 24th, I will run my first full marathon. Hoping to finish in under 3:30 (about 8 minute miles) in order to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I will be thrilled just to finish but it would be really cool to be able to run Boston. My current favorite distance is a 10k (6.2 miles), but to conquer the marathon once or twice will be awesome :)
I need to drop about another 10 pounds so I can be fast enough in my next races. I'm not stressed about it at all though.
I have been thoroughly enjoying my first summer being fit! I'm no longer stressed out about going to the beach or what i'll wear or how my legs will look in shorts or anything! There is so much freedom!! I now realize why gluttony is a sin (lots to say on that subject). You eat a ton, you feel rotten, very likely will treat others rotten, hold yourself back out of shame or embarrassement, and the world misses out on YOU. You don't know what giving 110% of yourself is, until you are literally physically able to do it!
Put the fork down when you have had enough and you will feel much better and you will start to shine! That being said, I eat pizza still. I have birthday cake. I'm not a perfect health freak but i'm all for little treats in moderation. Unless its after a 14 mile run and you desperately need that slice of mint chocolate chip cake that your mom made for your sister's birthday... it was worth it! ;)
I have definitely noticed I instantly want to eat when I am stressed or sad or hurt or just bored. I have had to retrain myself to go do something productive when I want to eat, but am not really hungry. Usually that means cleaning something.
I have definitely had my share of stress and heartache this year. Life has been life. But you know what? That's NO excuse to give up. Life hasn't gotten easier, but it has been easier to handle it all, now that I'm in shape. Its weird how health and fitness permeates into most every aspect of your life. But it does and when i'm depressed, at least now I can't add "and I look like a fat cow!!!" To my list of woes. Energy is endless. Confidence is up. I can think clearer. Shopping is FUN again!! (I'm still all about thrift stores!) Its so exciting to see something super cute, know your size (I'm a size *0-2* now in pants... used to be like a 16!!! Mind=blown) and know you won't look fat in it. For someone who was obese, this is HUGE. I haven't forgotten what it was like. Walking across a parking lot paranoid about the lumps sticking out. Seeing a crush and wishing you weren't hideous. (Well, I wasn't... I was and am and always will be God's princess but "hideous is how I thought of myself).
What you eat in private, you will wear in public. I have learned SO much this past year. I might have stretch marks and my lower stomach is still a little squishy but I'll sport my bikini anyway because I have worked too darn hard not to!
Oh... and I did this without a gym membership. No special pills, teas, program, dvd's... I laced up some running shoes, ventured out into the neighborhoods and trails around me, SWEATED, didn't eat away all my progress, and got healthy. I even have big cavities in my teeth that are healing and repairing now! (I'm not kidding... its possible... google it!)
So here's to one year of losing even more than my previous lofty goal. Maintaining my weight, finding a new zest for life, new hobbies and interests, being closer to God than ever, being the mom and wife I wanted to be, no excuses, taking control of my life, going all out and running the race to win!!"
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