Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Chuggin' along

Results are in! Last week I was 150.8 lbs and today I am 149.4!! -1.4 pounds lost! Woooohooooo I'm in the 140's!! Its been 7 years since I was here! It feels incredible! And I am surprised! 

Not sure why, but most of this week I almost felt like giving up. Been battling a lot of cravings and stuff. (See, Its not all easy and all smiles!) Like on Tuesday i seriously wanted to go get and eat an entire pepperoni pizza with the pepper flakes and parmesan. Not even kidding.

I've been trying to figure it all out. I just don't feel like counting calories and planning workouts. Its like extreme laziness or something has set in. It has become work this week. Its like its not as fun lately.
I am staying strong though. Haven't cheated at all. For some reason I felt like I wasn't gonna lose any weight this week. I think maybe because my heart wasn't in it as much? Also since I've added in some abs, pushups and squats routines I was afraid I was gonna gain a bunch of muscle, which is great, but it might not have looked good on the scale. I need to remember its NOT all about some number on a scale, but rather how I look and if I'm losing inches. Still though, I'm hoping it will all boost my metabolism enough for it not to matter, and that I'll still continue to lose more poundage.
Make no mistake about it, I'm not backing down! Just have felt a little down in the dumps the past few days.

And now I have some news: as of today I was officially diagnosed with exercise induced asthma (which I suspected for awhile now). They are pretty sure it was caused by all the secondhand cigarette smoke I'm exposed to from my mother in law. My symptoms had been getting steadily worse the past few weeks. I kept fighting through it thinking it was just cause I was pushing myself and I'm still out of shape. But, it really is asthma. Gotta go pick up an inhaler now.

Despite all of that, I had a new 5k PR this week! My new time is 31:57 haha. Yay for 15 seconds faster! But I need to shave practically 2 minutes off my time in just 3 and a half weeks if I want to meet my goal of running my 5k in 30:00 or less on November 2nd in the Run Or Dye race here in town. That's right, I'm in!! My awesome friend Hali is sponsoring me! I'm officially registered now! It is such a blessing! This will be my first official sports event I've ever participated in! I am nervous already! And I'm hoping I'll get enough race day adrenaline to get me to reaching my goal! That combined with a few puffs of Albuterol and I should be golden :D Now I just need some new running shoes. Planning to go on Monday to Fleet Feet so I'll have a couple weeks still to break them in!

Fun Fact: the Women's 5k
world record time is 14:12!!! Daaaaaang!!

I'm officially fitting into size 6 jeans now! I can't remember the last time I was this tiny! Still some chubbs to get rid of but I am closer to the finish line with every day that goes by!

Its weird to be getting skinnier. I feel so light and free and little! 3 months ago I felt trapped. Felt this heavy fat clinging to me and weighing me down. You know what I realized today?! I have lost Hailie's current weight now! Ha! That's crazy. Puts it in perspective! I was carrying that much extra weight around all the time!! But here I am. Running 5k, 4 times a week, 1300 nutrient dense calories a day and the weight is just falling off. It really is as simple as that. Takes a few minutes of simple math to figure out what your calorie numbers are and then its just science..  the weight WILL
come off! Calories in, calories out!

Here is some of what inspired me and kept me going, this past week:

Aaand here's a side by side comparison of my before and *during* ;)

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